
Robot of the day: April 25

Hello friend. Save for obvious variations in gross surface anatomy, the robots might appear to be indistinguishable from each other. But each one is wonderfully unique, its life story told via scratches and dents on its housings.

(Don’t forget— the freshest content can be found on Instagram @robotoftheday !)


Robot of the Day: April 7, 2022

I don’t need to know much about the ebb and flow of robot activity. They can certainly make for varied and interesting conversationalists but I hesitate to dig deeper in an attempt to learn more about their inner lives. In a way they are very much like the cats they keep company with: somewhat inscrutable and revealing only what is necessary in the moment. Still waters may run very deep indeed. (Upon my first use of this metaphor in a conversation I had to go to great lengths to explain that puddles may be still indeed but they weren’t always deep. Unless they were!)